• Tillam Clocks
  • Get one for your wall
  • Tillam Clocks
  • colour up your wall

Every Tillam clock is handcrafted with love.

Clocks that just look good

Hard drives usually just get thrown away once they failed. With Tillams those hard drives get reborn.
Tillams are the most stylish hard drive clocks on the market. They come in different colors and shapes and can be hanged on the wall or sit at a desk.
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Tillam Clocks
spice up your office

.. we truly love color

Details of the clock

We only use used / crashed hard drives. Hard drives that can't fullfil their original pupose of serving data.

We dismantle those hard drive and get them powder coated. After quality check we assemble them with a premium quarz clockwork


Each Tillam comes with a 3d-printed stand. That makes it possilbe to put your Tillam on your desk and make your desk shine even more.


Tillam Clocks©
A Chase & Snow brand

Kuisemantie 150
36660 Laitikkala

Website by New-Tronic.com

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